Arslan from Arslan Senki. Two layer cel. The mouth is a separate layer.
Yue from Card Captor Sakura. This is from the episode where Touya finally tells Yukito that he knows he isn't human. It's the scene where Yue is facing Touya, who is about to give him some of his own "power" so that he won't disappear.
Randy from Maze Mega Burst Space. Its from the scene where Randy is freaking out and Male Maze picks her up to shake some sense into her
Vash from Trigun. This is from the first ep/opening sequence. That's not the background, it's actually painted on the cel.
hahaha. One of my fav cels. Mei from Tonari no Totoro. It's from when Satsuki just snapped at her and now she's just crying. ^__^
Tsukushi from Hana Yori Dango. This is from the first ep/opening sequence, in the scene where those boys are about to attack her and she jumps down to run away.
Rally from Gunsmith Cats. First OAV, when she's about to throw out Roy
Yukito from Card Captor Sakura. I believe from one of the later episodes, during the Eriol saga.
D from Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Another Yukito cel. From a sequence when he's just about to transform into Yue. I think this might be from the second movie because the cel is a little larger than my other CCS cels.
KAWAIIII!!!! More Yukito(gee, can you tell who my fav char is?^_^). I'm not sure which ep this one is from.
Yukito from later CCS. This is the episode when Li showed him the bear he made for Sakura.
Sakura and Li from CCS. Two layer cel. Sakura and Li are on separate layers. Each layer has a matching pencil sketch
Takuya and Minoru from Akachan to Boku
Pharangese from Arslan Senki
Matsura Yuu from Marmalade Boy
Eriol from CCS
Yue from the second CCS movie, intro scene when he's firing an arrow at a "monster" Sakura made with the Create card for one of Tomoyo's home movies.