Here are my Shoujocon 2001 pics. Sorry for the small size. I used the CVS online photo service, and that's how they came. If you see yourself here and would rather not be on the web, drop me an email, and I'll remove it. Also, if you can id the character/series of a costume I don't know, I'd appreciate that too. ^_^
- Toby at the opening ceremonies
- Another pic of Toby (waaahh! both my pics of Toby came out horrible ;_;)
- No con would be complete without a Sailor Moon cosplayer
- the most unlikely yaoi pairing in all fandom: Himura Kenshin and Youji from Weiss Kreuz
- A very nicely done Kiki from Majo no Takkyubin
- I dunno the series, but I really dug her sword
- Kero-chan and Clow Read
- Lain-in-the-bear-suit, and Omi-kun from Weiss Kreuz
- Omi's back. --AND YES IT IS TRUE!!!!
- Himemiya Anthy.
- Vash Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood (figures that of all the Nicholas cosplayers I've seen, the best would be a girl)
- Ken, Youji and Aya --they were very nice, and gave me candy ^_^
- A MAGNIFICENT Treize Kushrenada
- Touga, Anthy, Utena and Saionji(with a little Wakaba thrown in for good measure)
- I've never read/seen Clover, but now I want to
- Sailor Uranus and Sailor Moon (thanks to Shirono for pointing out the error)
- Megaman!!! I wonder how he got around in those big shoes
- Alas, the pair that never was, Kuonji Ukyou and Hibiki Ryouga (Akari must die! >_<;)
- A very kawaii movie version Miki
- The female Belldandy cosplayer (alas, I was unable to get a pic of the male crossplayer ;_;)
- The very excellent Jesse of Team Rocket who was so cool during the fashion show
- Miaka in miko gear
- Makino Tsukushi and Doumyouji (she later was the one who sent him flying off the post. go weed power!)
- the lovely Arisugawa Juri
- the one, the only, Anime Dog! (pay no attention to the guy with the hand up his butt)
- Ruby Moon from Card Captor Sakura (thanks again to Shirono for the help on the pic. Check out her con page in the Links sections :)
- A very bad, backlit shot of the gorgeous Urd during the Fashion Show
- Another bad shot of Urd (I wish I could've gotten a better pic ;_;)
- A blurry Anthy -- Basically, all my Fashion Show pics came out awful
- Utena- not quite so blurry
- Mana from Malice Mizer -- My camera had shut itself off and when I turned it back on, I accidentally forgot to set it to NOFLASH mode. I apologize to anyone I may have blinded -_-;
- One of the MiB's from Lain
- Nekoi Yuzuhira with Inuki-chan
- Valgarv from Slayers Try
- Puchiko from Digi Charat
- An original character
- waaaah!! a KAWAII little Sakura unfortunately the pic doesn't do her justice AT ALL
- Damn. I forget which character she was :P
- Pimpin' Kero-chan and Sakura I REALLY wish I had a better pic of them ;_;
- The Clover cosplayers once again just cos they were so cool
- Asaba and his Merry-land sheep (Asaba-kuuun, daiiisukiiiiii!!! ^_~)
- Mirai Trunks
- Kagome and Inu-Yasha
- A better pic of the Sakura from the fashion show
- Another kawaii little Sakura
- Ed from Cowboy Bebop
- A kawaii little Puchiko from Digi Charat
If you have a Shoujocon2001 website you'd like to see listed here, drop me an email at the link below, and I'll post it.LINKS: